The goal of the magical garden visualization and the badger visualization is to start “de-energizing” life-denying beliefs such as “anger is bad,” “I shouldn’t feel my emotions,” “I don’t matter”, “I always need to be in control”, etc. Our minds generally form life denying beliefs in childhood as survival strategies to navigate difficult or chaotic environments. If dad was frequently angry or if we were punished for asserting ourselves, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that we might develop the belief “anger is bad”. Or if we were belittled when we cried, we might form the belief “crying is weak”. Some people come from families that aren’t very emotional at all, and these people can develop beliefs such as “emotions are scary” or “emotions are pointless”. Unfortunately, beliefs such as “crying is weak”, “anger is bad”, “emotions are scary” keep us stuck in our thinking heads and out of our feeling bodies. And people with these beliefs can spend countless hours trapped in their heads ruminating on their misery. Compounding our difficulties is that many times we are unaware that we have these life-denying beliefs. The magical garden visualization starts to break down these counterproductive beliefs.