The modules in this section are focused on bringing in a higher energy into the body-mind. Doing so can open our hearts (the feeling core of our being, not the mechanical heart), enhance our ability to feel, bring more life-force into the body, make us feel more calm and grounded, help us connect with our sorrow, and start to dissolve our fear, stress, anger and rage. These exercises require some ability to visualize and generally require practice to become proficient at.
The baby otter visualization does not have to be done with a mother sea otter and pup, but any mother-baby pair in the animal kingdom that brings in a higher energy and opens the heart. If any of these modules are upsetting or irritating one reason can be that one has to deal with their anger and rage first. See the section SAFELY RELEASING ANGER & RAGE first in that case. Sometimes there is too much anxiety active in the body to do these effectively. If this is the case, then try an exercise to release fear or tapping.